SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESSMPS Colorado was founded in 1981, and is one of the top two Chapters nationwide — representing more than 300 members. The chapter’s membership includes a mix of business developers, marketers and other A/E/C professionals who focus on developing relationships and generating revenues for their companies. SMPS Colorado is a national not-for-profit association dedicated to enhancing its members’ abilities to find and win business for their firms. The Colorado chapter offers more than 30 events annually in the Denver Metropolitan area, Northern Colorado and Southern Colorado. These events include monthly luncheons and forums focused on professional development for all career levels. We hope you join us for the many excellent opportunities for professional development and networking! We could not put on over 30 events per year without the help of our gracious sponsors. This is your organization’s opportunity to get in front of the top Colorado A/E/C marketing and business development professionals! Did you know there is a dedicated organization of these professionals working specifically in architectural, engineering and construction firms of Colorado? Being an annual SMPS CO sponsor, you gain ongoing access to our thriving network to promote your firm and win more work! ANNUAL AND EVENT SPONSORSHIPSWe have annual and event-specific sponsorship opportunities to gain exposure for your company. Download our brochure by clicking the button below.
We welcome and appreciate in-kind support of our chapter. Appropriate recognition of in-kind sponsorships is provided depending on the event format, including your logo on the SMPS CO website, verbal recognition, sponsor name badges, etc. Your in-kind contribution may assist with chapter operating expenses or any of the following: membership event give-a-ways, raffle donations, or service donations (printing, graphics, photography, audio/visual, etc.) For questions about sponsoring or volunteering on our sponsorship committee, contact Stacey Richardson. |