We are surrounded by negativity and pessimistic outlooks everywhere we turn these days, without even having to look for it. On the other hand, finding engaging and inspiring material that leans on positivity takes a bit more effort. (Like filtering through the political and comparison garbage to watch dog videos on Instagram.)
Enter Simon Sinek, known for an array of inspirational speeches, a long list of leadership tips and tricks and, of course, his books, including Start with Why, The Infinite Game, and Leaders Eat Last.
Once again, he brings valuable, motivating, and educational content right to our fingertips but this time, he’s brought along friends, colleagues, and influential individuals to provide insightful tips on combating a world of negativity with, “A Bit of Optimism.” Top Episode Recommendations:
Life Worth Living with Miroslav Volf: I think we all ask ourselves, at least once in our lives, or if you’re me, about once a day, “Am I living the best life that I can while I’m here?”. Theologian and Professor at Yale, Miroslav Volf, has been studying questions like this for decades and offers some top-notch advice on living a meaningful life.
The Soul of Idea with David Copperfield: First off, if you haven’t seen David Copperfield’s magic act – add it to your bucket list because the man has truly mastered the art of illusion. Secondly, he’s been in the magic game for over 40 years and has remained relevant in his field and yet, still comes up with new imaginative ideas. So, for all my marketing friends out there that are having to come up with new content week after week – I highly recommend this episode.
The Wisdom of Anxiety with Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary: Anxiety is a well-known hindrance to many of us and the number of people dealing with it keeps on growing. But what if the word “Anxiety” didn’t have to lead to more of, well, anxiety? Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary provides a different perspective on how we should view this dreaded term and Simon even adds his own twist on “Mental Fitness”.
To summarize, if you’re looking for “A Bit of Optimism”, in the topics of love, leadership, or just life in general, this podcast is worth adding to your list.